Nursing Stories, Nurse Tales, Poems A to Z Inspirational Stories List Affection, Caring, Friendship Ambition, Determination, Persistence, Resiliency Angels In Our Lives, Watching Over Us Animals, Pets, God's Creatures Babies, Children, Infants, Kids Bereavement, Grief, Loss, Sorrow Computers & The Internet Death, Dying, End of Life, Hospice Poems Dependability, Honesty, Reliability, Virtues Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Holiday Thoughts, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Etc. Living Life To The Fullest Love, Caring, Self Esteem, Self Worth Love, Marriage, Matrimony, Loving Partners Motherhood, Mothering, Moms Our Newest Inspirational Poems, Touching Stories Parents & Parenting Poverty, Wealth & Riches Prayers, Requests, Praying Religious Poems, Christian Stories Sharing, Generosity, Philanthropy, Altruistic, Inspirational Poems Please Click Here For A Full Category List
Welcome! We've put this website up to hold all our favorite inspirational poems. Some have been submitted to us, many we've found on the Internet. Hope you enjoy what you see and come back. If you'd like to submit a story or poem of your own, kindly contact us. This site is owned/operated by Andrew & Melanie Lopez (RNs).
To Receive our inspirational stories as we post them subscribe to our mailing list by sending a blank e-mail to
****************************************************** Please Choose from the following categories: Nursing Stories, Nurse Tales, Poems
****************************************************** See also:
American Poet's Society:"The American Poet's Society has one discover extra-ordinary poetic talent in ordinary people. We are here to give ordinary people like you the opportunity to have their poems published. Not all who write poetry can be published or attain recognition through the general media. In the United States of America we believe in the freedom of speech. At the American Poetry Society, we too believe that everyone has the right to freedom of speech; that everyone deserves the chance to have their poem considered for publication. If your poem is published, you have the same chance of attaining the same recognition that the famous writers achieve. APS gives you this opportunity. Who knows, you may even be good enough to join our poetry society. All you need is the confidence in yourself and..a poem." ******************************************************
Between the Heartbeats: Poetry and Prose by Nurses (Paperback)
by Joanne Trautmann Banks (Foreword), Cortney Davis (Editor), Judy Schaefer (Editor):"This collection of poetry, essays, and short stories by registered nurses has moved, inspired, and encouraged nurses here in the US and Canada and overseas. Many nurses, after reading this collection, have contacted me to say how these poems and stories reflect what they think and feel as they themselves are working with patients: the joys and moments of transcendance as well as the fears and frustrations. Nurses from all walks of healhcare--among them ICU nurses, homecare nurses, Hospice Nurses, OB/GYN nurses, Nursing Home nurses, office nurses--find words here that mirror what they feel during those amazing moments, the ones between the heartbeats, when they are standing by a patient's side." ******************************************************
CancerGuide: Inspirational Patient Stories:"When I was very ill and things looked their worst, nothing was more inspiring to me than reading about how other patients survived against the odds and coped with their situations. There are as many different ways to survive as there are patients, and so we can learn something different from each one. At the same time certain similarities, certain patterns emerge. Enough philosophy - here are the stories of some other patients - I hope you find inspiration and hope in them!" ******************************************************
Daily Celebrations:"Welcome and Aloha to Daily Celebrations! I'm so glad you're here! Thank you for stopping by. If this is your first visit, that's great! If you're back for more, even better! Daily Celebrations features original writing, artwork, and photographs. A large site, with over 500 special celebrations, Daily C. has been lovingly researched, written, edited, and indexed. It's a great resource to motivate, educate, and inspire." ******************************************************
Inspiration Peak:"Inspiration Peak has been around forever. But it wasn't until 1995 that we began work on the website. Since then, 'the Peak' (as it's affectionately referred to) has been discovered by thousands of travelers from every corner of the world.
We like to think of 'the Peak' as a gathering place for some of the greatest spirits who have ever lived. A place where you can sit on the grass and stare at the sea and hear the gentle voices of Mother Teresa or Mahatma Gandhi as they whisper in your ear..." ******************************************************
Kim's Homepage of Quotes:"Quotes Subject Database: Acceptance, Adversity, Anger and Forgiveness, Belief, Bible Verses, Change, Children & Youth, Christian Quotations, Circumstances, Creativity, Dawson's Creek, Death, Decisions, Dreams, Fear, Friendship, Goodbyes, Gratitude, Happiness, Humorous, Journey & Destiny, Learning and Wisdom, Life, Love, Lost Love, Matters of the Heart, Memories, Money, Movies, Music, Patience, People, Perspective, Pessimism, Procrastination, Proverbs, Relationships, Self, Songs, Success, Titanic, Truth, TV, Winnie the Pooh, Worry, Miscellaneous." ******************************************************
March, before Spring, Stephanie Mendel:"Stephanie Mendel’s poetry captures the devastation of losing a spouse, and ultimately offers comfort and hope to widows and widowers of making it through the intense grief of such a loss. The book has been used in groups dealing with the loss of a spouse at hospice." ******************************************************
My Happy"My Happy is dedicated for love poetry, love stories, love song lyrics, Valentine's Day and other useful stuff." ******************************************************"This collection of poetry is the result of 20 years of providing people with messages of hope and inspiration. Out of over 300 poems, these few verses has emerged as being especially unique. Sacred Poems (skrd pms)1.Poems dedicated to the memory of loved ones. 2. Verses communicating a connection with God. 3. Feelings captured from sacred places or events. 4. Writings dedicated to past, present or future events of importance to all people. All poems may be used free of charge for school projects, weddings, funerals, graduations, school newspapers etc, as long as they are not used for profit. All I as is proper credit and reference to the web address." ******************************************************
Free Romantic Love Poems - Short Love Poems:"My love for you is as cool as the ocean
as we walked through the waves with love and devotion
my love for you is not as complex
it's not just your looks or the great sex
it's your personality that shines to me
being with you shows what love can be
I look at the picture that you sent me
knowing your waiting makes me happy
all the times we've spent together
I just hope the good times can last forever and ever
I never want anyone to tear us apart
a piece of you will always be in my heart…"
Lost Love, Short Love Poems:
My Love For You Poems, Short Love Poems:
Wedding Poems, Short Love Poems: ****************************************************** See also:
Please Listen A Self-Pitying Woman Beneath An Old Willow Tree All Three of His Sisters Had Made Beautiful Gifts, Always Say I Love You Momma Says Its For You, A Dog's Plea, Hit by a Brick Something For Stevie ****************************************************** ****************************************************** Please Choose from the following categories: Nursing Stories, Nurse Tales, Poems
****************************************************** See also:
An Everyday Survival Kit:"Toothpick, Rubber band, Band aid, Pencil, Eraser, Chewing gum, Mint, Candy Kisses, Tea Bag
Here's why: Toothpick - to remind you to pick out the good qualities in others...Matt 7:1 Rubber band - to remind you to be flexible, things might not always go the way you want, but it will work out.Romans 8." ******************************************************
Angels Unaware, Inspirational, Touching Stories:"It was a rainy night in New Orleans; at a bus station in the town, I watched a young girl weeping As her baggage was taken down. It seems she'd lost her ticket Changing buses in the night. She begged them not to leave her there With no sign of help in sight."
Cross Room (The), Religious Poems, Inspirational & Touching Stories"The young man was at the end of his rope. Seeing no way out, he dropped to his knees in prayer. "Lord, I can't go on," he said. "I have too heavy a cross to bear.""
Empty Chair (The), Religious Poems, Inspirational & Touching Stories:"A man's daughter had asked the local minister to come and pray with her father. When the minister arrived, he found the man lying in bed with his head propped up on two pillows. An empty chair sat beside his bed. The minister assumed that the old fellow had been informed of his visit."
Footprints In The Sand, Inspirational Stories, Religious Poems on: The Nurse Friendly:"One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him, and the other to the Lord."
Gift (The), by John Gaudet, Inspiration Poems, Touching Stories:"The old lady places her shawl on the top of the bed table and opens the door below. She removes two brightly colored doilies that she painfully knitted over the course of two weeks. She holds them with long fingers gnarled and slowed with age. She made them for the redheaded girl who comes to clean her room. She has come to anticipate the sounds of her cleaning cart coming down the hall as she stops at every room and does her duty. She is very friendly and the old lady loves to hear her talk of her little girl and her life as she bustles around the room making the bed and cleaning the floor. They have a special relationship these two and the old lady loves to talk of times past and things done." ******************************************************
Greatest Pain In Life (The):"The greatest pain in life is not to die,
but to be ignored.To lose the person you love so much to another who doesn't care at all. To have someone you care about so much throw a party and not tell you about it. " ******************************************************
Lonely Road (The):"A man was driving home one evening, on a two-lane country road. Work in this small mid-western community, was almost as slow as his beat-up Pontiac. But he never quit looking. Ever since the factory closed, he'd been unemployed, and with winter raging on, the chill had finally hit home. It was a lonely road. Not very many people had a reason to be on it, unless they were leaving. Most of his friends had already left. They had families to feed and dreams to fulfill. But he stayed on." ******************************************************
My Hope For You:"I hope you woke up this morning with a big smile on your face . . I hope the sun is shining just for you and the birds are singing their very best songs ..." ******************************************************
Nurses are Angels: Poems from Patients and Nurses about the care we give and that patient's receive. NAA was created and is hosted by Christy Gerber Jones,
an RN at Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton, Ohio.
Sarah's Tears by Tony Collins, LVN:"Late one December night on the cancer ward the halls were quiet
and solemn, the patients were asleep and most of the visitors were
gone. The nurses were gathered about the nurse's station preparing
for shift change. Sarah, one of the nurses, was especially tired, having
worked seven straight 12 hour days. The kids had needs, her
husband had been laid off, and the house payment was due." ******************************************************
Second Ten Commandments (The):"1. Thou shall not worry, for worry is the most unproductive of all human activities. 2. Thou shall not be fearful, for most of the things we fear never come to pass."
Trouble Tree (The), Inspirational Poems, Touching Stories:"The carpenter I hired to help me restore an old farmhouse had just finished a rough first day on the job. A flat tire made him lose an hour of work, his electric saw quit and now his ancient pickup truck refused to start. While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence." ******************************************************
Things I've Learned:"Things I've Learned . . . .
I've learned.... that the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person. I've learned.... that when you're in love, it shows." ******************************************************
Wisdom For The Road:"Cherish things while you still have them, before they're gone, and you realize how precious they really are. Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards." ******************************************************
Wisdom of Life (The):"Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them - work, family, health, friends and spirit - and you're keep-ing all of these in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls -- family, health, friends, and spirit -- are made of glass. "
Work Like You Don't Need The Money:"An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer-contractor of his plans to leave the house-building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family. He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire. They could get by. The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor." ******************************************************
You Are a Nursing Student, by Anneliese Garrison, RN:"You will be mentally stressed.
You will be emotionally challenged.
You will learn how to work together.
You will learn to work alone. . . . ****************************************************** ****************************************************** ****************************************************** Battle Hymn of the California Nurse ****************************************************** It Is A Matter Of A Point Of View ****************************************************** ******************************************************
Pookie's Place Poems & Sayings:"This section contains those popular peoms and sayings that you can use to attach to favors, write on a cake, or print off scrolls for the guests. Please note that I am not a poet and did not write these poems, nor can I create new ones. I have collected these from across the web, and from the Baby Shower message board at" ****************************************************** ****************************************************** ******************************************************
Sweet Remembrances:"Welcome to Sweet Remembrances. Scrapbooking has become a very popular craft over the last several years. Sometimes a page is missing that little something extra. Here is a collection of poems that may help give your page that finishing touch. Wherever possible, credit has been given to the author. The poems are organized by theme.
The link will bring you to the main page of each theme.
Angel Children The Family Album Family Members Friendship Holidays Kids Matrimonial Miscellaneous Pets School Days Scrapbook." ****************************************************** A Self-Pitying Woman Beneath An Old Willow Tree All Three of His Sisters Had Made Beautiful Gifts, Always Say I Love You Momma Says Its For You, A Dog's Plea, Hit by a Brick Something For Stevie To subscribe to our: Nurse Friendly Notes Newsletter:
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Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on May 23, 2015
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